Plastic Surgery Department

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Plastic Surgery is one of the most rapidly growing fields of Medical Science, and is facing a great boom all over the world.

In many developed countries, people have their own plastic surgeon, as others have their own psychologist, and do not hesitate to undergo any face or body surgery, if they feel the need one that will improve their appearance without exposing them.

Plastic Surgery is a surgical specialty, with a very wide range of operations. We turn to the Plastic Surgeon, among others, for rehabilitation after an accident, after a burn, to correct any genetic deformities (problems, that is, with which we were born), for rehabilitation after cancer, but also for most cosmetic surgeries. , as well as for microsurgery.

Plastic Surgery is divided into two categories. In Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery.
The main object of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is the improvement of appearance, through which the person regains his lost self-confidence and learns to love himself again from the beginning.

Mastopexy and breast augmentation, liposuction, abdominoplasty, otoplasty, blepharoplasty,buttocks lift, facelift , are some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in Greece and in Europe. .

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery contributes in recovery after an injury or “corrects” some defects of nature, for example otoplasty for “protruding” ears or breast reconstruction after a mastectomy.

In recent years, plastic surgeons have at their disposal innovative new generation equipment, which enable them to manage the surgeries much better, in less time, with better results, and sometimes with longer duration. New technologies have made a buzz recently and made a difference, especially in some cases that were characterized as “difficult” and which were a “challenge” for the plastic surgeon. For example the Argon Plasma or the Vaser device.

Greek plastic surgeons play a leading role in the training of young plastic surgeons worldwide. Unfortunately, the financial crisis of the last decade contributed to the development of treatments of dubious quality and effectiveness, without scientific documentation. It is very important to know that Plastic Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery treatments and surgeries should be strictly applied only by trained plastic surgeons and not by other non-specialist health professionals and only in certified centers such as Athens Beverly Hills Medical Group.

According to data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) for 2018, the ten most popular cosmetic plastic surgeries are:


Δρ. Αθανασίου Αθανάσιος MD PhD


Ο Δρ. Αθανάσιος Αθανασίου είναι πτυχιούχος Ιατρικής από το 1996. Ολοκλήρωσε την ειδικότητα της Πλαστικής Χειρουργικής στο Νοσοκομείο Άγιος Σάββας ενώ ένα μέρος αυτής πραγματοποίησε στο νοσοκομείο Chelsea & Westminister στο Λονδίνο. Απέκτησε πλούσια εμπειρία στον τομέα της επανορθωτικής χειρουργικής, ειδικώς στον τομέα της μικροχειρουργικής αποκατάστασης ελλειμμάτων κεφαλής και τραχήλου καθώς και αποκατάστασης μαστού.

Πιστεύω πολύ στη συνεργασία μεταξύ των ειδικοτήτων ενώ βασική μου φιλοσοφία είναι ότι η αισθητική και η ομορφιά γενικότερα είναι ένα οργανωμένο σύνολο ψυχικών και σωματικών χαρακτηριστικών σε ένα άτομο και όχι μεμονωμένα στοιχεία πάνω σε αυτό!

Plastic Surgery Services

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Plan your medical trip

Our team, in Athens Beverly Hills Medical Group, handles Our team, in Athens Beverly Hills Medical Group, daily handles patients who wish to travel from abroad to undergo their procedure with us.

Our specialized team of experts will guide you through all the steps from consultation to surgery while we will take care of your transportation and accommodation while you are in Greece. patients who wish to travel from abroad to undergo their procedure with us.

Home Care by ABH

Fast Recovery at the ease of your home with the “Home Care” program by Athens Beverly Hills Medical Group.

After your surgery, it is essential to receive appropriate care and respect recovery time. Your body needs time to be back to normal and to achieve optimum results.

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At Athens Beverly Hills Medical Group we have developed  the Clinical Prevention and Anti-aging Clinic that helps you maintain your optimal health and optimize your life’s quality!

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