Silkpeel Dermabrasion Treatment with Diamonds
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According to the Union of Plastic Surgeons of America, Dermabrasion with diamonds is one of the top 5 non-invasive therapies with visible & immediate results.
It is a completely painless method that addresses skin problems such as dehydration, acne, dyschromia and patches, restores the luster and softness of the skin and improves the signs of skin aging.
The dermabrasion method that we use in ABH Medical Group is called Silkpeel. Its uniqueness is due to the fact that at the time of scraping using diamond heads, liquid therapeutic substances are injected into the deeper layers of the epidermis giving immediate and visible results.
With the controlled dermabrasion and infusion of therapeutic substances:
We moisturize the skin
We deal with acne
Bleached the spots
We nourish the skin with vitamins
We delay aging with antioxidants
We renew the skin
The specially designed head made of solid diamond, “slides” onto the surface of the skin, removing the dead epidermal cells. At the same time it subcutaneously drains the therapeutic solutions, which are always adapted to the type of each skin and we have chosen them according to the problem we have to deal with.
So we can choose:
Moisturizing solution (hyaluronic acid): reduces lines and thin wrinkles, regenerates collagen
Bleaching solution (peptide, α-arbutynin, vitamin PP, vitamin C): neutralizes spots
Purification solution (salicylic acid): with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, faces acne problems
Anti-aging solution (vitamin C): it faces signs of aging, while the skin calms, freshens and refreshes.
SilkPeel Dermabrasion with Diamonds can be applied to the entire area of the face and additionally to the throat and chest, while giving excellent results in synergy with other therapies.
Each session lasts 30 minutes and can even be repeated every week. The number of sessions varies depending on the problem, but usually 4-5 sessions are sufficient for excellent results, although the action of the method is visible from the very first time.
It addresses at all ages from 18 years and above and is absolutely safe as it does not involve risks and side effects. The skin is not irritated and you can return directly to the office without marks and redness.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Τα αποτελέσματα διαρκούν έως και 24 μήνες. Με τον τρόπο που γίνεται η εφαρμογή των νημάτων, στο σωστό επίπεδο επιτυγχάνεται συνεχιζόμενη νεοκολλαγονογένεση και αφενός παρατηρείται άμεσο lifting effect το οποίο και συνεχίζεται για 2-3 μήνες μετά την εφαρμογή όπου και βελτιστοποιείται το τελικό αποτέλεσμα.
Όχι, η θεραπεία δεν είναι επώδυνη θεραπεία καθώς εφαρμόζεται αναισθητική κρέμα ή και τοπική αναισθησία.
Είναι σημαντικό να ακολουθηθούν οι σωστές μετεπεμβατικές οδηγίες.
- Στη χρήση ειδικής μάσκας στήριξης για 6-8 ημέρες ημερησίως για διάστημα μιας εβδομάδας η οποία βοηθάει στην μείωση του οιδήματος.
- Στην αποφυγή εκτεταμένης έκθεσης στον ήλιο
- Στην αποφυγή μασαζ προσώπου
- Στην αποφυγή έντονης δραστηριότητας
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