

It is the ideal treatment for men and women of all ages and for all skin types.


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It is the ideal treatment for men and women of all ages and for all skin types.


The Hydro-facial treatment is becoming more and more popular, over the last years among aesthetic treatments while also it is considered to be the Red Carpet treatment of celebrities. This is due to the fact that is combines many steps that maximize the effects of deep hydration and facial care.

It is the ideal treatment for men and women of all ages and for all skin types.

It can be done throughout the year as there is no down time post treatment nor any contraindications for sun exposure. The results of the treatment are immediate and provide skin with a deep hydration and glow.

How it works

Hydro-Facial treatment lasts approximately 30-45 minutes and takes place in 4 stages

1. Skin Cleansing. With a special HydraFacial the skin is deeply cleansed and removes pollution and dead cells.
2. Peeling. With special solutions of acids and vitamins that improve discolorations and pigmentation, skin texture and prepare for the next stage.
3. Extraction of sebum. With a special suction head, the sebum is removed pores giving the skin a more smooth complexion.
4. Intensive hydration. After the completion of the 3 stages, vitamins are applied in combination with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants transdermal so as to achieve deep hydration and radiance of the skin.

Hydro-facial treatment is the ideal treatment for skin care and elimination of pollution and toxins to which we are daily exposed.

The main benefits of treatment are deep hydration, skin texture improvement, reducing sebum pores, correcting discoloration and maximizing radiance and a healthy look of the face.

The results are immediately visible post treatment while with regular applications they have a longer duration.

Hydro-facial can be performed before the any injectable treatment such as botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid as it maximizes the results providing combined glow and hydration.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Τα αποτελέσματα διαρκούν έως και 24 μήνες. Με τον τρόπο που γίνεται η εφαρμογή των νημάτων, στο σωστό επίπεδο επιτυγχάνεται συνεχιζόμενη νεοκολλαγονογένεση και αφενός παρατηρείται άμεσο lifting effect το οποίο και συνεχίζεται για 2-3 μήνες μετά την εφαρμογή όπου και βελτιστοποιείται το τελικό αποτέλεσμα.

Όχι, η θεραπεία δεν είναι επώδυνη θεραπεία καθώς εφαρμόζεται αναισθητική κρέμα ή και τοπική αναισθησία.

Είναι σημαντικό να ακολουθηθούν οι σωστές μετεπεμβατικές οδηγίες.

  • Στη χρήση ειδικής μάσκας στήριξης για 6-8 ημέρες ημερησίως για διάστημα μιας εβδομάδας η οποία βοηθάει στην μείωση του οιδήματος.
  • Στην αποφυγή εκτεταμένης έκθεσης στον ήλιο
  • Στην αποφυγή μασαζ προσώπου
  • Στην αποφυγή έντονης δραστηριότητας
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